Hiring Retainers!

Hiring Retainers

I want to redesign my retainers but am lacking inspiration. If you have a WoL (FFXIV_CHARA_**.dat or Anamnesis .chara file) that you’d be happy to share with me I’d be honoured to employ them!

Hiring Retainers
Hiring retainers!

You can send me your character data here if you would like to 💖. This way you don’t have to share your private info (email/Discord) with me. Alternatively feel free to DM me on Twitter.

I won’t share your data with anyone else without permission.

If you’d like me to remove your data or any images featuring your character please send me a DM on Twitter.

Thanks xoxo
~Lexa 💖

    Your Twitter handle:

    Your character data:

    Short/nickname to use for a retainer (optional):


    Favourite dye colour (for your retainers glam):

    Your message or notes(optional)